Some 750 species of plants have been identified including two species new to science and at least 45 new to Europe. Four strictly protected species, all national endemics, occur: Linaria tursica (VU), Micropyropsis tuberosa (VU), Gaudinia hispanica (VU), and Vulpia fontquerana (EN). .... WWF Spain/ADENA has urged closure of new roads, the restoration of rabbit populations and potential habitats, lynx-friendly management on local estates, monitoring and captive breeding. ...
Andy- The hypothalamus is a gland found above the sella btursica/b near the optic nerve. I think you mean the hypocephalus? Falcon- You mention Thomas Ferguson- that he had a period of doubt is not exactly earth-shattering. b....../b And they who keep their first bestate/b shall be added upon; and they who keep not their first bestate/b shall not have glory in the same kingdom with those who keep their first bestate/b; and they who keep their second bestate/b shall have glory added upon ...
Located on either side of the sella btursica/b, against the lateral aspect of the sphenoid bone, the cavernous sinuses (it's paired) communicate not only with cerebral veins but also with ones in the face, potentially allowing extracranial infections to pass into intracranial locations. b...../b Summer bVacation/b - Finally going away for a ?real? bvacation/b this week! Chillin' poolside, having some wine, increasing my chance of skin cancer - oh wait, I will make su... 5 days ago ...